Mental Health Awareness, Amelia’s Story
Half of us will encounter mental health challenges in our lifetime. We are proud of Amelia Baker for bravely sharing her story and raising awareness on such an important topic.
Words from Amelia
For a significant portion of my life, I found myself among this statistic. I felt Isolated, scared, and ashamed. I believed there was no way out and I would feel that way for the rest of my life. I often turn to writing to express my feelings and during Lockdown and the peak of my mental health, I wrote this in hopes it helps someone.
“I am stuck in the sand at the beach. I have been for a while now. Every day the tide comes in and I struggle to keep myself from drowning. It comes aggressive and sudden and when I feel I can no longer keep my head above water, the tide washes away, and for a moment, I can breathe. But I know tomorrow I will still be stuck. And the tide will still come in. I’m tired, scare, and lost. I can’t keep treading water; I fear I might drown.”
The Pivotal moment in my mental health journey came when I found the courage to speak up and seek help. It wasn’t easy. But by accepting help, I accepted the journey I needed to take. For the past 4 years, I have dedicated each day to better my mental health, and I will continue to do this for the rest of my life. Speaking up and asking for help was the lifeboat that saved me from drowning. I used to be stuck. But today, I walk freely along the beach.
Published May 2024